States and Nations: Diversity, Domination and Legitimacy
International Summer Research Institute, European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC), Italy
Curated by Dr. Alain Gagnon (Senior Canada Research Chair in Quebec and Canadian Studies, UQAM, and President, Royal Society of Canada), the international summer research institute convened 43 leading scholars and 25 graduate students from Canada and Europe to present their research on issues regarding nationalism, democracy and the state.
The 2023 institute, held at EURAC Research in Bolzano, Italy, from 4-15 June 2023, was the ninth since its inception.
Migrant Integration in the mid-21st Century: Bridging Divides
Co-Principal Investigator, Canada First Research Excellence Fund (2023-2030)
Bridging Divides is a seven-year research program dedicated to building a new understanding of the challenges and opportunities that migrant integration poses for Canada locally and across borders.
Chaired by Dr. Anna Triandafyllidou (Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, TMU), and Dr. Ebrahim Bagheri (Canada Research Chair in Social Information Retrieval, TMU), the program involves 25 research leaders based at four academic partners (Concordia University, TMU, University of Alberta and University of British Columbia) and 35 civic partners to examine and advocate changes in four thematic areas: Citizenship and Participation, Employment and Lifelong Learning, Immigrant Health and Well-Being, and Place and Infrastructure.
Canadian Vote Summit 2023
The Canadian Vote Summit is a two-day symposium for participants to listen, engage, connect, and explore participatory democracy.
Elections are the lifeblood of a healthy democracy. But participation in recent elections has plummeted and confidence in Canada’s democratic institutions is eroding.
At this challenging moment, we are bringing together three sectors with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to take action but who rarely get to collaborate. Join community leaders, scholars, and election administrators for a candid and inspiring exchange. Together, we will diagnose the problem and develop solutions to ensure the vitality of Canada’s democracy.
DemocracyXChange Summits
DemocracyXChange is the annual summit for Canada’s emerging democracy sector to connect, learn and share.
Globally, the indicators are clear. We are in the midst of a democratic recession that may seem endless. But as we enter another federal election year, the opportunity to see this moment as ours to shape with a gathering focused on strengthening democracy and ground-up community change has never been more pressing. In an age of polarization, it’s more important than ever to connect across borders, political orientations, values and points of view.
Foreign Policy by Canadians
With the world facing unprecedented adversity, Canada’s interests face greater challenges than ever before. Canada’s level of engagement in the world is hamstrung by perceptions that citizens don’t care about foreign policy. But what if foreign policy reflected the views and interests of citizens themselves?
In March and April 2021, a large representative sample of the Canadian population gathered online to debate Canada’s global engagement. This gathering marked the largest deliberative democracy exercise in our country’s history.
Foreign Policy By Canadians is a joint initiative by the Canadian International Council (CIC), the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) and Global Canada (Montreal). Using techniques developed by the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University, the exercise demonstrated that citizens have high levels of interest in foreign policy and support engaging significant issues facing Canada in the world.
Reframing Canada’s Global Engagement
Canada’s last International Policy Statement, framed in the wake of 9/11, is almost two decades old. During this time, the world has evolved in fundamental ways that unsettle many of the assumptions Canadian policy-makers and citizens have operated with for more than half a century. Dramatic environmental, technological, demographic, economic, and geopolitical changes, and now the COVID-19 pandemic, are reshaping the global landscape, as well as the traditional approaches and tools for advancing Canada’s interests and values.