The Rise of the Italian Far Right: Lessons for Europe and Beyond
A new coalition government, dominated by a far right party with neo-fascist roots, rules Italy today. What explains its rise? How will it exercise power? And what lessons does its ascent hold for democratic politics in Europe and beyond?
The resounding defeat of the center-left in Italy’s recent general election owes much to its traditional supporters–the poor, unemployed, or low-wage workers–who either did not vote or supported their rivals. Yet their choices highlighted a deeper breakdown of political representation in Italy’s post-1945 democracy. The rise of right-wing populism explains and reflects this development. Yet the authoritarian tendencies within modern democracies, whose party systems are in decay, are more significant.
The distinguished political theorist Nadia Urbinati analyzes these developments and their ramifications in conversation with Sanjay Ruparelia.
This lecture is a keynote event of the 2023 Democracy XChange Summit (DXC23):